Thank-you & Goodbye
The time has come to say thank you and goodbye to Charlie Kilo, my lovely Focus after 4 years (well, nearly 4 years, anyway), during which, she rarely, if ever, put a tyre wrong...
In my new job, there will be no working from home - so I've decided to maximise the chances of getting to work safely by buying a 4x4, which, closer to the time, I intend to fit winter tyres to...
At (almost) the same time, I officially start my new job on Monday - though my shift are on a rest day - so I actually start on Tuesday at 1900 for my first shift on nights! Tomorrow night is my last day kn the current job, and leaving do, before which i'll have picked my new car up (Helen the Kuga) - so no telling what tomorrow's picture will be - I'd guess it'll signify one event or other!
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