
By KateBushIsCool

Sean Bean

Did you know that Sean Bean was actually born Shaun Bean and changed it to Sean Bean because he is clearly very funny. I've been looking at his face a lot today at work and I think he might actually look better now than he did fourteen years ago. I could be wrong though, I am only going by a couple of images off Google. Today has involved a lot of cropping images of him from fourteen years ago, when this series was made. Man, it's been a boring day. Oh, and in the morning I took George to get his pre-school booster jabs and the nurse really confused me so he only got a tetanus and polio booster rather than the MMR, too. I didn't bring the red book and I got one of those looks from the nurse that basically says "fuck's sake!". I had no idea medical professionals in Lewisham care so much about the red book. They really don't give a shit in Brighton. Anyway, because I hadn't brought the book he couldn't get his MMR booster. I checked it when I got home and as I thought, nothing had been filled in passed something he had at 13 months. The nurse should have just gone with what is on his medical records because that's all up to date. Anyway, this is all very tedious but I'm now going to have to take George back to the nurse next Wednesday to get his MMR booster. But next time he will know what's coming and may cry/scream/run/wee/poo/whatever. It will be harder but I will just bribe him with a magazine/toy of some sort so hopefully it won't be too awful. I wonder what Sean Bean would do.

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