Karen in Colwyn!

Another rough night with my cold but the bed was super comfortable and the cottage really quiet.

I got up for Bella at 7.30 and took her for a walk up the road and waited for Mr W to wake up. 

We met Blipper Karen in Colwyn Bay and went for a walk along the beach which was nice as the weather was sunny and bright. It was great to catch up after not seeing each other for 2 years. Moving, lockdown, blah blah blah.

Mr W and I then went home for breakfast, a shower and some sleep -some sleeping longer than others (Mr W!), before heading out to Llandudno and a drive around Gogarth where we saw the mountain goats.

Its been a lovely 1st day, apart from the neighbours dog barking ALL DAY. Bella is gradually getting used to it!!!! We are not!

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