Folkie Booknerd

By Folkiebooknerd


I’m in Manchester, birthplace of Emmeline Pankhurst, for the International Women’s Day weekend so it was fitting that M and I should take part in Manchester’s Walk for Women this afternoon.

Ahead of the walk, I spotted the Leader of Manchester City Council, Cllr Bev Craig on her way to lead the gathered throng through the streets. Thanks to her for stopping to let me take a snap! 

Here’s to women everywhere, in these days in which equality of all sorts seems to be under increased threat. Women of all backgrounds, classes, ethnicities, cultures, ages and  creeds. Trans women very much included. As one young woman’s placard said today, ‘It’s not feminism if it’s not intersectional’. I couldn’t agree more.

Here’s Erin Rae with ‘Modern Woman’

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