The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Head upstairs if you dare

This sign tickled me as I walked past the Centre for Science and Art on Lansdown on my way home from two gruelling shifts of childcare. I' m not sure exactly what this talk was about, but wasn't tempted.

Further along Lansdown I went into the gallery as there was an opening night exhibition of artwork by women, for international women's day. I must have been the invisible woman in my black jacket, black work trousers, black rucksack and short hair. No one even spoke to me as I milled around looking at the artwork. The people in the gallery were colourfully attired in homespun clothes and all seemed to know each other. I felt as if I belonged to a different caste. All very odd.

Well, what else? I made chocolate cornflake cakes with the kids, and because they were nice (the kind made with cocoa, not melted chocolate), I made more at home for tomorrow, when some friends are coming round for a film night. I didn't have enough cocoa, though. As you can tell, my tastes are extremely spohisticated.

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