maintaining balance

 The ocean waves have always beckoned me to relax and let go of my agenda.
  I thought I did that well yesterday afternoon when I planned to go to the grocery store but discovered the battery in my car was completely dead and beyond resuscitation. I patiently waited for AAA to come two hours later and replace it, and then decided to make do with what we had for supper and go to the store today instead.
  Today's plan was to go to Urgent Care for an 11:30 appointment to have hubby's stitches removed from his latest skin cancer incision, and then do the shopping. Well the power in the whole neighborhood went out so the garage door was not working, nor the refrigerator. Fortunately, I knew how to release the garage door and manually open it, so we made it to the appointment on time. Hubby had 4 stitches removed, but it took an hour and a half. I was patient, even jovial, since I knew there was nowhere else we had to be. And since there was no power at home to heat up hubby's midday meal, we went out to lunch and had a hearty Mexican meal. And I skipped the shopping again since I didn't want to open the fridge if the power was still off. And it was still off when we got home, but now it has been restored. Maybe I'll get the groceries tomorrow.
 I wish I could be this relaxed at home! 

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