
By 58jc

Howard and the fat ball

My brother has been dog sitting Howard for the last ten days while my niece has been in the US visiting her brother.  My brother is smitten and will almost certainly get  a dog when he stops working.  He had a day off today so came down for a river walk.  Howard had a run in the garden before we set off and could smell the birds ‘fat balls’ and it wasn’t long before he had dislodged the feeder and was munching away!  I have a feeling that the fat may work as a laxative but I hope I’m wrong!

The walk was lovely along the river, chatting and enjoying the sunshine.  S stayed for soup and more chat and Howard enjoyed the cheese!  OH played golf in the sunshine and got home in time to see S and H before they went home.

I went in the garden for an hour for a bit of pottering and cutting back but I’m reluctant to do too much as all the bulbs are starting to come through and I’ve hoed off the tops of bulbs in the past, so will give it a few more weeks before proper weeding  and tidying up takes place.

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