As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Discrimination Against The White Man

This is math.

Just kidding, this is Mike. Mike in math.

Othello makes me angry. Our Italian video isn't what we cracked it up to be. I dropped half a bagel on the floor in orchestra. Sophia kept me company in physics. Castaway poster in Graphic Art. Terrible essay in APUSH. Productive lunch period (I did two whole AP questions!). And then math.

Seussical right after school. It was horrible, but I'm enjoying my show (I hope people in the pit read this).

I ran the workout by myself at track today, but not before having a great conversation with Pat about all that's wrong with the world. I kicked that workouts butt.

I tutored for an hour, and then did some homework.

I think I'm going to do a physics question right now.

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