Endless Weekend

By Endless_Weekend

So much equipment

Going to the cataract surgeon's appointment was certainly interesting.  People in the waiting rooms looking to talk about their previous ailments was fun.  I met a woman who had her entire spine replaced with what she called "the bones of dead people."  She found herself totally bent over one day "looking at the lint on the carpet" as she put it. Fascinating.  There were other people, other stories.  I think this was because we were all being shuttled through from room to room for each procedure and then put back into the waiting area in between, so there was time to talk. A different kind of experience than I'm used to!  So they agreed I need my cataracts removed, so next is making the appointments.

No babies today, since we did Monday and the nanny missed two days, so she wanted to work. So a free day is at hand.  I can start sanding the two dining room chairs I found on the street to get them ready for painting!  They are going to be very cute when they are done and I will post them then.

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