First Time Ever

Mrs S went sick today, her first sick day since she became a nurse all those years ago. After being upbeat yesterday over Negative Lateral Flow Tests on Sunday it came back to bite us on the bum late last night when we all did fresh ones and all returned positive results.
So we shall be catching up on some laundry, DIY, admin and anything else that can be done at/from home.
Paddy will still need walking but it will now be just one of us, probably me, masked up and late in the evening when there are less people about.
It means I get to miss the hubbub at the rugby club as the BBC arrive to film the new JK Rowling series ‘Strike’, cannot say I’m bothered though.

Testing positive is a little annoying though, but having had the original, “I cannot breathe” strain back in December 2019 this strain feels like nothing more than a cold.

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