scenes of great joy

Maybe you remember my account of the drains company coming to our house to unblock the septic tank and not being able to find it? They sent us a bill for £1000 for nor finding it and not unblocking it...and no, we haven't paid that bill. They also sent a quote of £7000 for putting in a new tank..

Instead, we asked our friendly local builder for advice and he sent his friendly local farmer friend to have a look. He exposed the pipe by the sampling chamber (onto which a large tree branch had fallen, cracking the sandstone slab which covered it; "perhaps a bit of sandstone was blocking the pipe? I had suggested earlier..). The farmer found two pieces of sandstone blocking the pipe - he removed them and a rush of sewage gushed up into his wellies! Blockage sorted!

The farmer was still determined, however, to find the non existent septic tank so today he brought his friendly local drain expert who sent down a pipe with a video camera...and look what he discovered..a septic tank which is working well and doesn't need emptying. It has worked well, according to a previous occupant of our house, for the past 50 years or so.
I watched as the friendly drain expert jetted the outflow pipe to ensure that it was all clear of silt and tomorrow the friendly farmer is coming back with his digger to fill in all the holes.

It might not sound like the most exciting story on blip, but a working sewage system is very important!

Tonight D is at a public meeting about a huge development of holiday chalets a couple of miles from here. The trees have had to be cut back to get these 3 bedroom houses down the road, with a police escort in front and behind. After this meeting he had a Community Council meeting...a more than usually exciting day and he will be glad to have his tea when he gets in :-)

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