Bradford Pear Tree Yup, as pretty as this tree is, it needs to go. Keep it away from your pecan trees if you want them to continue to give you good harvests. I wish more States would ban their sale and more would give home owners a native flowering tree if they cut down their Bradford Pear tree.

I went by my sister-in-law’s house to drop off her birthday card and small gift from me. She won’t get her main gift until mid-April when the threat of freeze/frost is over.

After that I went to the grocery store to get a corned beef brisket for next week. I’m glad I did. The butcher said they got all of 4 in and didn’t know if or when they would get more.

Had my yearly physical this afternoon and as expected all is well and right now all I need to do is go for my yearly mammogram. Yay!

Happy Hump Day Everyone :-)

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