Moss Garden

It’s been a fairly unproductive and uneventful day. On the plus side, I’ve actually got down to working on my Shetland photo book from last year, having spent ages already selecting photos. And I’ve done a little packing for tomorrow - though most will be completed in the morning. Why do today what can be put off until tomorrow …..? 

There’s been little actual photography today - just components for my abstract around the house and garden. But then there’s quite a bit of faffing until I’m settled with my final image. I’m not sure if it meets the challenge of perspective, but it’s certainly a different way of viewing tiny moss seed heads. 

Incidentally, I’m delighted to have found a quotation that supports my procrastination: 

“Never do today what you can put off till tomorrow. Delay may give clearer light as to what is best to be done. ”

Aaron Burr

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