
By AnnieBScotland


New Harbour, the boat John likes best - the small one at the front.

We started the trip in style, with lunch at the seafood bar at Edinburgh airport. Flight on time, arrived in Copenhagen to only 3 degrees - and rain! We had forgotten what it was like, so long since we had any at home! Of course I brought the wrong jacket - I wore my lovely cosy down jacket instead of my cosy rain jacket with the hood, so the 10 minute walk to the hotel from the metro was a bit miserable. However, a warm room, good dinner and wi fi in the room and all was well!!

We discovered today that the 10 minute walk should have been five minutes - we took the long way round. Today is very misty. Not raining at least, but what we call in Scotland smirr - just that dampness that makes your hair and clothes wet without it actually raining. Not a good day for photos. However, we have walked for miles, looking at lovely wooden boats and lovely old buildings.

The boat ride we took this morning was bizarre! You couldn't see a thing for the mist! The poor tour guide had to keep saying ' on your left you can just make out....' I got a fit of the giggles. We did manage to see a back view of the little mermaid, surrounded by a coach load all getting their photos taken with her, and I don't think we will bother to go again, she is rather underwhelming!

The area called Christianhavn is rather like Amsterdam, and in the area there is a hippy commune called Christiana, which is one of the most colourful places to visit, with lots of murals, grafitti and colourful characters. Within it there is an area called the Green Light district, where no photos are allowed, basically because hash is freely bought, sold and smoked illegally. I tried to take a general shot just before entering but was roundly told off and asked to delete the shot - which I hadn't actually taken. Such a pity as it is a photographers' paradise!!

Back at the hotel for a warm up and snooze (John) and blip (me). There's a few more photos here, on flickr.

We hope to visit the Tivol Gardens tomorrow and climb up a church tower that we visited today, as long as the mist clears.

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