
By Sailorwoman


This is Fern, one of three kuni kuni pigs (originally from New Zealand) who live here. Fern came here with a litter mate who sadly died of a respiratory condition but now we have Fay and Fuschia to keep her company although she bosses them about no end and definitely rules the roost (or field!). They're very affectionate and love company.

They're surprisingly difficult to get good photos of because they rootle in the grass so always have their heads down and they don't stay still for very long. If you pick them up (only possible when they're young as they grow very big!) they squeal blue murder. I managed to get this one because when called from the field they rush over thinking they're going to get food and they put their front feet on to the stone wall - this one is of Fern grinning rather cheesily!

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