Dog on wall

After a rainy start the day grew sunny but breezy.  I decided to tackle planting out three bare root roses, two I’d ordered and one gifted by Issy after they stayed a few weeks ago.  Given that ‘planting out’  is a task that stresses me out with indecision I did a lot of pre thinking.  And then a lot of digging.  It took ages!  In one case there was a bit of a slope, in another the tree peony that I had dug out had left lots of roots and with the third I realise I was slicing through a dormant perennial I wanted to keep.  We’ll see! 

Woody was mainly in attendance and found the wall an appealing place to sit. 
V and his sister went to Petworth in the mean time and she bought him a huge print that we’ll have to find space for. 

When they got back, we had lunch before driving her to the airport and going on to early dinner with Sue and Simon, scooping up Manda on the way 

Very lovely jolly evening and home before midnight.  

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