Happy birthday Mr EG. He fancied a trip out with the canoes for his bday day out. It was the first time all four of us have been out together. I've not done it for years and then it's always been with Mike so he's always done all the steering! I was not very proficient and me and Tobes were working at cross purposes so we spent most of the time squabbling and getting caught up in overhanging branches and reed beds! Anyway we got there in the end once Tobes had accepted he wasn't doing the steering and that he shouldn't keep back paddling whilst I was trying to go forward!! We made it a short way up the river and had a brew and birthday cake on the river bank. Mike had packed a little camping stove. It was windy but sunny. 

This evening we had friends round for dinner. Lots of laughs and good food. Mike made some horrible cocktails! 

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