Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

A well loved Beech tree.

There is no saint for today in the Oxford Dictionary of Saints. Perhaps someone can help me find one.
It is 9c here in Blackburn, UK. I went for the longest neighbourhood walk in a good while.
There were a pair of beautiful swans on the canal.
There were Canada Geese preening their feathers.
I was blessed to hear a robin sing and saw a little sparrow singing his heart out on a Forsythia bush.
The hens in their pen all seemed perky.
It is so wonderful how much beauty you can appreciate in just a short walk near home.
The bin has just been emptied, so time to go and bring it back into the garden.
Getting on with our housework and waiting for the post to be delivered.
Take good care and have a lovely Monday blip friends.

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