Life and times of us

By Bumpster

The lovely Eleanor

Today is my 50th Blip .... Don't think it is anything significant but it is also my due date :-)

Went out with a friend and her two daughters today. We went to Newbury to the CREW Jumble Sale.....OMG! What a nightmare, loads of yummy mummies running around with their hair on fire picking up everything that vaguely looked as if it may fit. I did pick up a couple of bits. Boyzee got a polo shirt and the kids got a couple of bits each. I also got some stuff in the wishful thinking mode of losing the 3 bloody stone I have put on in this pregnancy! They may be hanging in the wardrobe for a good while yet... Incentive I call it.

We are expecting Boyzee's parents tomorrow, they are bringing Daisy Dog with them so hopefully some more pooch shots coming up.

The long haul of being overdue starts tomorrow. I am off to see the midwife for a sweep (no sooty jokes please) and then some more reflexology on Monday and a couple of long dog walks.

Have a great weekend Blippers!

PS very excited about the Spring Swap....lets get creative!

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