Heart and mind

After half an hour teaching on line this morning, I took the minibus to Didim for an appointment with a cardiologist that I haven't seen before because my previous guy has left the area. Biannual check of my dicky ticker is necessary before any major dental work can go ahead (see yesterday). Then I went a-walking in the bright but cold and breezy sunshine, (with a little grocery shopping) before taking the bus back home mid afternoon. 

I'm having a 'below-par' day and am feeling rather low spirited, - so planned a quiet evening home alone with  knitting and Netflix, although my mood has just been brightened up considerably by lovely long (80 mins) video call with mbfiatw for a mutual cheer up session - that's what friends are for.

Today's photo is the inside of the building housing the cardiologist and several other individual medical and legal professionals. Reminded me of Italian courtyard architechtural style, and definitely different. 

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