I am envious

This morning I had a phone call from an old friend and fellow number plate collector. He was very keen that I come to see him as he had something to show me. When I got there,  high up on the wall of his commercial premises was one of the most sought after New Zealand number plate pairs AA1. The photo is very crooked as I had to squeeze past a vehicle and then angle the phone
 New Zealand started with this format in 1964. The letter number system still continues after upgrading to black on a white background in 1987 and now well into 3 letter 3 number format. This pair was reserved for the Minister of Transport of the day to attach to his car. When the car was deregistered the plates went to another collector and have remained until recently onsold to my friend. He revealed that he had paid $3000  for them. A bargain sure to appreciate greatly in coming years.

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