A day out!

An 8am meeting with my tutor - she’s kind and supportive - we women of a certain age must stick together, she said. It was actually an extra tutorial and she’s also offered to help with the assignment I have to resubmit - I’m grateful for the extra support!
Taught my private student then headed out to Green Park. So pretty at this time of year, then walked the length of Hyde Park - love London in the spring and the parks were my sanity when I used to live here.
I’d actually walked too far as I wanted to get to Harvey Nichols to check out the food hall. I got delightfully lost and discovered Virginia Woolf’s home, walked past the Natural History Museum, through Chelsea and eventually found what I was looking for. The food hall has more places to eat than I remember so I decided to stop and eat too! I was enjoying ignoring my study deadline!
I eventually headed home, watched Netflix and went to sleep.
If only I could have more days out like that but doing a Masters isn’t conducive! Another time, another visit. This time in two weeks I’ll finally be on Australian soil!

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