Be-Ro Book.

I remember my Mum having an earlier edition of this book when I was a child. She used it for a couple of the savoury things but she wasn't one for baking. When I was finally allowed to do stuff in the kitchen once I'd started cookery lessons at Grammar School, I made cakes, scones etc. from it.

I noticed this one in my Dad's kitchen today and enquired if he used it, hoping he'd say No so I could claim it! He does though, and as they only cost £2.99 I will get my own. It's basic but all the recipes work well, so I have been told!

It was fantastic to see some good news on the TV today for once. When I left my Dads' Nazarin Zaghari Radcliffe and Anoosheh Ashoori were finally on a plane, flying home to be reunited with their families. This is amazing!

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