International Judges Conference Day 1

Today was the first day of the International Dog Dancing Judges Conference, which is held here in Denmark and which my friend Helle and I are responsible for.

It has been a long and busy - but good - day and I have another busy day tomorrow, so it will be a quick blip as it is 10 minutes to midnight and I have to get up early!

- Collected my British friends in the B&B
- Went to see Helle and have coffee at her place.
- Went to the beach for a misty and rainy walk with Helle, British friends and dogs.
- Went to the Kennel Club to set up and get things ready.
- All the judges from all over the world (as far away as Australia and Russia) arrived.
- Opened the conference and was the chairman
- Enjoyed a lecture about Musical Interpretation.
- Wished everyone a good night
- Took British friends to B&B
- Came home...

Night night
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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