What's your goal?

Mine, at one level is to become free of cancer. But the immediate impacting thing is to get through 20 sessions of radiotherapy, of which I've now had two. It's fine. I know what they want me to do, and the cameraderie in the waiting room is really nice. And I've met Hercules. More about him in a moment. They only snag is that the side effects are likely to come later on.
    Hercules is the huge machine which does the business. He's like something out of 2001: a space odyssey  (I wonder if they'd play the Blue Danube for me?)

Hercules is only slightly smaller
than a full grown elephant
and much the same colour,
but he moves in
different ways.
When the humanoids
retreat into their wee room,
he comes alive.

He waltzes,
he rolls over
he pretends to caress me
then backs off again
as if offended.
He has more arms
than a Hindu Durga.
‘He won’t touch you,’
The radiographer said.                                                          RT2

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