Day of tears

EDIT - thank you for all your caring comments on this blip. Had to delete and upload again as I had entered the wrong date doh! so sorry lost all your comments but not before id read them thankfully x

I knew as soon as I woke up this morning….. had that hollow horrible feeling in my chest, the one that inevitably results in tears :-(

Woke a few times, so didnt feel refreshed. Got myself ready then went out fir a few things. As i was getting in the car I noticed a large section of our magnolia stellata on the roadside….. obviously broken off by a vehicle! Made me feel quite upset, was one of hubs favs, hopefully it will survive/recover.

My mood suffered, didnt overly enjoy shopping, not even my coffee so much, did the word puzzles, concentration wasnt great, ended up tearful driving home. Then as I came in, this was sticking out of the letterbox….. from Christies Cancer hospital where hub passed away, and it was addressed to him!!! Mad me cry and angry at the same time!! I am going to contact them to make sure they amend their contact list :-(

I went out into the Summerhouse, sat with hub…. and just cried, sad, angry, sorry for myself….. the whole kit and caboodle. I tidied away the dead flowers we had left hub for his birthday, hoovered up all the pollen & unstuck the midget gems from the laminate flooring…..then realised it was almost time to start work, so had to compose myself, somehow managed it, eyes puffy & red lol!

Ended up working until 5.40 then a quick dash to see daughter, Em & S, a nice tea and 3 games of rummikub followed :-)

Talk about a different day to yesterday….. my life is a rollercoaster of emotions :-/

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