Laboscope app

No Shadow all day yesterday.
The other strays appeared after Fort Knox Fence neighbour went inside late afternoon.

I was sitting by the front window waiting for an Amazon delivery. And a delivery of small trees. I am trying to create more of a sound barrier of vegetation between me and him. He cut down all my evergreen stuff that sheltered my garden, early last year, as I have said before. I've come to the conclusion he is one of those guys who is going to be manically doing intensive DIY until the day those Duracell batteries run out. He is one of those frenetic DIY'ers that could easily turn you into an axe wielding Jack Nicholson. 

And more deliveries yesterday on to his driveway and front garden, and another skip. Loads long rectangular lengths wood. Say 4" by 3" and larger kind of sizes like that. Preparing for decking? Or building a structure. He is in his 70's and was lifting a several of these long lengths on to his shoulder at a time, carrying them to the back garden. Back and forth, back and forth....he works harder than a Duracell Bunny...he must be on alien maybe...

I didn't want to do a creative until Shadow came back. So, I am later in posting this morning, but I have been awake again since 1:30 am this morning.

Shadow came back around 6am.
I am so relieved. I let her eat one bowl undisturbed. She did keep looking at me through the window, so I went out and refilled it, but she ran up the garden, then came back and offered me the top of her head. So I stroked it, but it was made very clear I was not allowed to stroke the rest of her. I left her in peace to finish eating.

Now I can relax today....except I have to keep lookout for a parcel...

So here is my creative. A kaleidoscope using my bedroom wicker furniture. Then played around a bit in several apps. Then accidentally put that snow/star effect on it. I couldn't take it off, I was in a new app, so left it. I think I like it!

Have a coffee or three, regenerate your Duracell batteries...

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