Full moon

A clear sky for a change.

Shiv’s new vet came to visit, we are so fortunate to have traveling vets in our area that will come to us instead of a rammy in the vets office that Shiv offer starts.

Dr Marina is lovely, and Shiv took to her very well until she brought a light out to test her eyes, which are definitely not working so well.

Unfortunately the lump on Shiv’s hip is a tumour, which we kind of expected to hear, given how many lumps she has developed else where.

More meds have been added to her wee cocktail to make sure she gets a good nights sleep.

After our usual outing, she took up a pose and my feet, snoring away, and didn’t move around during the night as she normally does so they are clearly working.

We are hopeful that it will give the relief she needs for as long as possible.

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