Grape Hyacinth?

I think this is what this is.

When Jen and Pete moved to Scotland, Jen left behind lots of her pots containing bulbs.  Tony repotted them in autumn and they have started to appear slowly.  It's always fun not knowing what is going to come through and today I spotted the first of these.  Hopefully at some point in the not too distant future they will once again have a garden of their own and space for their pots to return.  I will miss them though.

It's been a lovely Spring day and we've had doors and windows open.  The cats have been in and out, I've been around and around the garden seeing what is emerging.  The rockery had lots of ladybirds scuttling for cover under plants as the sun grew higher and hotter.  The washing was out on the line, the animal husbandry completed, lunch on the garden seat and I feel refreshed.

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