Morag's Daily Journal



Glorious morning for a walk at Aberdeen beach out with friends for a short walk and then a longer one with the camera for company - fresh air before applicants day!

I like this poem The walk of Life by Kenny Eller I hope you do to:

The Walk of Life

Life will twist you like a warm pretzel if you're lucky.
The bends in the road become the story.
The story becomes your life.
As you grow, every opportunity gains weight.
I suppose it's because you finally realize how big each great moment really is.
If the prayers line up, you'll realize the dream.
In doing so, you come to find that it's always been within grasp.
Always been reaching right back, but optimism coupled with youth keeps you blind.
The gentle second hand of time has a funny way of caressing your memories.
You appreciate the sounds...the subtleties that made you who you are.
Heartache and joy amaze the senses and remind you that you're alive.
Hopefully joy gets a little more time in your story.
Hopefully you can add a little joy to someone else's book too.
When wrinkles become your friend you'll say everything you mean, because you have nothing to lose.
Time is ready to hold some other person's hand and take a long walk.
So make the most of each chapter now.
Don't let the joy pass without pausing to let the symphony play.
And please don't let the darkness of heartache keep you from placing caution to the side, for a few moments at least.
No love was ever found without taking a step.

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