Cleaning surroundings
Cleaning of the home today, some arranging of surroundings too. Splendid weather, so I had a walk to supermarket in the afternoon and bought few spring flowers.
Easter is weeks away, but as soon as the weather remains us about spring, the Tet-aTet style daffodils feel so good.
I suppose, that I have to bring these indoors for night time, still too cold for them outdoors during nights.
There is now some nine thousand ukrainian refugees in Finland and we are waiting more to come. So more refugee centers will be built and everyone is welcome. The finnish nature likes to ukrainian idea of taking care pf women and children as men fight for their country. Earlier as we have had young men as refugees from some other countries, it has been just so hard to understand that men leave their country and leave their women there...
I wonder how the Ukrainians will adapt here. Hopefully ok. Happy anyway, that spring is coming and weather is getting warm. If they'll stay for summer, it can be odd to try to sleep here at first. So light nights.
+1c misty morning, sunny day +5c
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