Another tree/shrub sculpture

Frosty start to the day but the sun was shining so we got out promptly and, instead of parkrun, went to Hill of Alyth for a walk.
Fine, though misty, views, skylarks singing, a frog sunbathing, gorse and celandines flowering, interesting gorse sculptures and no people for 3.5miles. There were a few near the top and several on their way up as we came down and if we'd done the walk in the other direction we would probably have met no-one.
The afternoon was as yesterday, sewing and gardening, but I had to make the tea today. (I took something out of the freezer that was labelled "stew" and began to defrost it but discovered, fortunately before it had thawed and I tipped it into a pan with some veg, that it was actually raspberries!). I did find an alternative!

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