Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2022 Thursday — Laser Treatment #?

I was sure today’s laser treatment on my thumb was #15 of 16, but Jaime, the doctor’s assistant, said it was #13. She said she’d recheck which treatment number while the laser machine did its job.

So she recounted and decided it was #14 of 16. I’m sure she’s wrong, but I am not going to argue with her. So two more treatments after today.

Overall, I am disappointed that my thumb doesn’t feel 100% better. The doctor did show me a couple weeks ago that the strength in my right thumb is much better and I’m very thankful for that. I’m hoping that the tingling, burning, and numbness decreases (I think it has some).

After my treatment, we stopped at the Firestone Grill in downtown for lunch before heading toward the Costco to get Mitzi’s medicine from the pharmacy and then to the Target store to get some plastic storage tubs to assist us with our organizing of clutter (our coast house is small and we both accumulate too much stuff).

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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