Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Pete testing the work surface…

Actually he’s waiting for me to turn the tap on because he likes to drink from it .
We painted the kitchen doors today … bloody hell I hate painting !!! It’s a manky faff .
Then I watched wonderful Italy break their losing streak in rugby, I shed a little tear for them . I also watched France win the grand slam and they fully deserved it . I wish we celebrated in such style !! I think England can be very sterile .. we have an awful national anthem and then we get an opera singer to do the honours at Twickenham .. the crowd can never get the tempo right .. then you get the French and Argentinians who have absolute belters and the crowd sing so loud … actually I quite like the Scottish one too … I want a ROUSING jolly anthem .

Yours cheated of Warwickshire

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