White ish

I think I planted these anemone bulbs a couple of years ago, and they did nothing last year, but I’ve got purple and white ones appearing now. The white ones have a hint of pink around their petal edges.
Everything I wanted to do in the garden has been achieved over the last two days. Buddleia and lavatera cut back. Potatoes covered and second batch planted. Winter pansies and viola which have finished been removed. Weeding along the edge of the kitchen path done. Clematis moved to its summer location. Topped up some of the beds with fresh compost. Topped up the two new crevice garden barrels at the front with the alpine mix. Removed the winter aconites which had finished flowering (didn’t want to keep them in the ground as since found out not good for doggy gardens, just in case). Moved the pots out the way so the garden chap can access and remove the dead tree tomorrow (sad face, but it’s definitely dead).
And we went out last night, to an Italian in Biggleswade, had a great meal and great catch up with friends Linda and Pete.
Phew, glad it’s Monday tomorrow and I can have a restful day in the office!

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