Off on an adventure..................

Another gloriously sunny day so off on an adventure we went. We have had such a lovely day.

Walked through Bruntsfield Links/Meadows (lots of run about time for me) to Waverley train station and jumped on a train to Inverkeithing. OMG, it was busy. It was jam packed. And hardly anyone was wearing a mask?! Well I guess if you stick a bottle of water or a packet of crisps in front of you then you're 'officially eating/drinking'. Lol!

Walked from Inverkeithing to Aberdour which was 5.89 miles. It was a lovely walk. Apart from about half a mile at the beginning, I was off my lead for the whole time.

Met Ann's friend, Iain, at the Aberdour Hotel for a couple of glasses of vino the humans not me. Iain has banned Ann from taking any photos of him and posting them on FB. Lol!  Actually Ann has a few friends like that. Ann uses FB (& BLIP) as a diary of her life she's creating social history lol but obviously one has to respect her friends wishes.

Ann's original plan was to have something to eat, but actually she had a chicken at home waiting for her to cook, so we jumped on the 4.30pm train and were home by 5.30pm. The chicken is now almost cooked and I always get little titbits when Ann is cooking chicken. Yum!

We've had such a lovely day out. Sooooooo loving the lighter nights. And sooooooo loving this fabulous weather. Long may it continue.............

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