Pots…..more pots!!

The presence of Amber in the garden has initiated changes. If I want any daffs or other delicate flowers they have to be in a pot!!! So over the past few years the number of pots has increased. Not that I mind. 

An untypical Sunday. B was coaching athletics this morning, so I was up early and managed 4 loads of washing, ironing, sorting out emails and many other things. We have a busy week ahead so I wanted to catch up and possibly be ahead of the game. I took a break for a coffee, sat on the bench looking at my gems and got my blip.

Last night after I’d posted my blip I thought that I would try out my new circular needle. I was busy picking up the 169 stitches up one side of my cardigan when I realised that the needle at the other end was missing, it had fallen off. (In extra)  I have managed to transfer onto ordinary needles, but they are squashed up and it takes an age to do a single row.

The needle didn’t cost much, but the inconvenience of it falling apart within 24 hrs was not acceptable. I emailed the company and provided feedback. I will get a refund and do not need to return the broken item. If I had known that, I wouldn’t have gone scrabbling in our new purple bin to retrieve the cardboard envelope that it was delivered in. An old lady on her hands and knees in a bin on its side is not a pretty sight, but it is good exercise. 

Evening entertainment on BBCFour, a John Williams film prom from 2017. Wonderful memories from the late ‘90’s when we joined R on a trip to Boston when she was invited to the wedding of one of her Uni friends. She had been there the previous summer and having heard so much about the city, we were happy to join her and foot the bill for the poverty struck newly qualified teacher. 

We were staying near Boston Symphony Hall and were able to get tickets for a concert that John Williams conducted. The seats were a wooden bench round the back of the circle, so close to all the action. Amazing, so cheap, and a fantastic experience. The music tonight evokes so many memories. 

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