
By Jaxter46

Big bed

Wet and windy today with bits of sun, it was warm in the sun but as soon as you were shaded it was proper chilly. A few challenges along the way today, mainly work, wanting the best for people but feeling frustrated that you can't just snap your fingers and get what is needed. NOW

Drove over to dad's after work and called in at the cemetery, a fresh grave next to mum, the funeral must have been held today. There were a few people around the grave so I stayed in the car until they left as I didn't want to intrude on their grief, I also really didn't want to speak to them, was I wrong? I think I felt awkward of not saying the right thing and also didn't want to go into details of my own loss.

I dare say I'll see them again in the future but that is then and now is now.

Spend a few hours with dad, looking over photo's and sorting other stuff out, it was really good to talk to him and I'm finding out things that I never knew. I'm like a sponge soaking it all up.

Anyway got home late, I'd just got in and Natalie came round saying that I must come and see something next door in her house, I asked "does it involve a camera"?

"yes" she said.

I went around and she took me upstairs, Ellis was fast asleep, the first night in the big bed. He wasn't fazed by it at all. Lets see what the night brings

He is growing up far too quickly

Hope you've all had a great Wednesday, I know I have

Thanks too for all your views and comments yesterday, much appreciated x x wasn't expected at all and I'm sorry I'm unable to keep up with you all at the mo

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