Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

Sunny Monday

Monday chores (washing out on the line, hooray), afternoon walk (more castles), a bit of weeding. All punctuated by a bit of reading (Let the Great World Spin, excellent), quilting (still learning, now practising Big Stitch, still not good enough for the real thing) while listening to Piranesi (rather strange, but intriguing) on Audible, and sorting out the living from the dead amongst the plants that have overwintered in the greenhouse.

But it's not just another Monday. It's the Vernal Equinox, so it's spring by anyone's calculation. And I be it's the youngest granddaughters birthday - 7 today. She FaceTimed to tell us all about her exciting day, while trying out her new paints. She was full of beans, Ali looked shattered and Nat was incapable of speech. I hope they have recovered in time for the party on Saturday.

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