It’s been ages since I’ve done something in the derelict theme so when I spotted this today, I couldn’t resist. Just a quick snap with my phone while holding Jax’s lead.
I picked up my friend at the farm today and we had a nice 1.5 mile walk with Jax in tow. I tried a technique that the instructor showed us yesterday to try to get Jax not to get so out of control when he sees another dog. I was actually having fairly good success until we passed 4 dogs in a row, one a small dog who was lunging and snarling. Luckily, I was prepared when Jax went airborne. On a positive note, he mostly ignored the people we passed which is a big improvement. Baby steps.
Tomorrow he is going to doggy day care for a trial visit. Hoping that goes well. And hoping to spend some time outside with my camera!
My daffodils are soooo close to blooming! It will be nice to see those first splashes of bright yellow.
Dark with sea salt today. And I may treat myself to another square if dark with turmeric.
PS. In other Jax-related news… the Little Shit has figured out how to squeeze his 50 pound body through the cat door that is meant to keep him out of their little sanctuary. He was through the small door and gobbling cat food in mere seconds. See ExtrA
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