Pulsatilla vulgaris - 'Rode Klokke'

A beautiful day, my only complaint is for the wind!! Washing done, out on the whirligig line. Got on with some other chores, when I looked out of the windows, there was a pair of jeans attempting a getaway, just hanging on by one peg. So collected everything in, and put it all on an airer in the enclosed porch, and it is all dry. 

After lunch I headed out in to the garden, first thing to take a photo or two of the Pulsatilla in flower. There was also a shy ladybird who was burying its head, so no moment of fame for it on blip. I also managed to plant some Alliums at last, they should have gone in ages ago so time will tell if they will flower this year. A bit of hoeing and I decided to call it a day.

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