Walk to the Shops Triptych

Walk to the Shops Triptych
Busy morning and Sue was out to Cambridge to get her hair done. I decided that I would have a walk to the butchers and reward myself with a sausage roll or gala pie. I am supposed to be doing 10,000 steps a day as part of a Pre-Diabetes Program I am on and that has not happened yet, 6000 I can do but not every day.
Off to the butchers I went. I just had my phone with me and I thought of my project of doing ICM shots out of a car window and I wondered if I could do something while I was walking. So Slow Shutter Speed App, 'Swing those Arms' and off we go.
I Managed to do a few shots but as with the car you do need an interesting set of shapes and colours to create interesting patterns. I decided I was happy with these three shots and thought about putting then into a Triptych panel. 
I normally create my panels 'on the fly' in photoshop with guides, masks and layers but the other day I came across some triptych photoshop actions I got from Gavin Hoey a few years ago. Lets have a play I thought. This one is created with 'Portrait Distressed Edge'.

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