Sunrise over Ringmer

The benefits of having to sleep with the windows and curtains open is that you get woken by the sunrise. Its different every single morning.

A quiet day in my room today, having time to paint my nails and attend to the winter growth elsewhere!!!

The Babies both facetimed me and Sam joined in which was great.

Mr W collected his car from the Valeters who put a ceramic coating on the X3. A complete and utter waste of money in my eyes - especially when Mr W is telling me we need to stop spending money to make sure we have enough to complete on the house in August. Deary me.

He's been better today. I think he's stopped feeling sorry for himself - especially as his PCR came back negative this morning and he's now attending to me which is much needed. He picked up supplies of eye mist (is dry eyes a covid side effect??) cereal bars so I don't go hungry, a bottle of water to keep the bugs off the kitchen wear and some more anti bac wipes ready for me to be able to open doors!!!!

Day 3 and I'm starting to find that having time to chill is actually ok!!!!

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