Global Attitude

By GlobalAttitude

Road to Nowhere (100th Blip!)

Productive day! A few important errands run this morning: among others, getting insurance quotes for the new van, picking up baby and birthday gifts, and dealing with an incorrect invoice. Managed that and grocery shopping before lunch. Spent a few hours getting yard work and laundry done in the afternoon. I hate tending the garden, but we made good progress that I'll appreciate if Spring really does come to town.

In the evening, headed out for a liesurely walk along the river. My back and knees are screaming curses at me for the enforced slave gardening - so no running. It had gotten fairly chilly then, but the blue sky was encouraging.

Came home and made the family a late dinner of roasted veggies and then drove over (for the first time in the van) to KettwigeFrau with supplies for tomorrow's baby shower. Her decorations look beautiful. We're going to have so much fun! Expect a full report in my next blip :)

PS - never had heated seats before - what a luxury! Anytime I'm in back pain, you'll find me cruising the streets with the seats on high ;)

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