Bridge to "Belfast"

Changed our plans when we got up to a decidedly rainy and cold day (several degrees colder and much wetter than England, for those who think we live in perpetual sunshine). Went to Évora to buy fruit trees for the nine holes Paul and Mike managed to actually dig through the rock up at the top: one lemon, one lime, one blood orange, two persimmons, and two different plums. 

And then Paul and I went to see "Belfast", me for the second time. Paul found it depressing, I found it beautiful - the scene of the parents dancing after his Dad's funeral... absolutely gorgeous. No matter the reason you leave somewhere, there is always grief - for those who leave and for those who stay. Yes, but also the awareness of the preciousness of life and of community. Can't help but think of Ukraine - a month today...

Lent verses were Jeremiah 7v23-28, God speaking to Israel:
"Do what I command you so that your lives will go well." But do you think they listened? Not a word of it. They did just what they wanted to do...
Isn't that just like my story? God calls, but I drag my feet...

- enough electricity to get a wash done, though it's all hanging out there, dripping wet
- hundreds of swallows swooping round the bridge, see them?
- the promise of more trees on our Land

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