My Mini Adventure

By JJ46

Nurse Puddy

I had a message at morning break today to say that L’s school was trying to get hold of me. She’s had a fall. My blood ran cold and I rang them back.

Poor thing had crashed into someone on the playground and landed on her face on the concrete playground. “I just went splat.”

I left work immediately. When I got to the school I found her in a bit of a pickle... bashed forehead, bloody nose and a grazed knee. The worries were that her nose may be broken and the risk of concussion.

Off we went to A&E where we had nearly a 3 hour wait to see a doctor (could’ve been worse). Thankfully nothing is broken. What a relief.

Poor little L... two big bumps on the head within a month. She’s been in the wars a bit and been so brave.

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