Waiting for the concrete to set.

A sewing day at Sturton. Just 4 of us, but we had fun and plenty of chat. I didn’t expect to stay the full 5 hrs as I was tired, but the stimulation of the company kept me going.

When B came to collect me we went to the Coop for some goodies. This young man was sitting in the back of his van looking rather dejected when we arrived. He had replaced the barrier and was waiting for the concrete to set. Couldn’t leave it until it was safe. He was still there when we had finished the shopping. I did asked permission to take his picture, so he stood up. I think that he was pleased to exchange a few words with someone. 

I got a text message from the hospital today with my next cardiology appointment. It’s a telephone consultation……..now that is going to be interesting…..a bit of a challenge for the doctor on the other end of the phone!!! 

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