
Nesting Moorhen in a tree balanced above the water, it doesn’t look very secure! Also enjoyed hearing the green woodpecker somewhere in the trees.
After the early walk started on lots of admin stuff, rang the bank to try to sort something out - it took from 10.40 to 1 pm to get to speak to the right person, I even got put through to the bereavement team at one point - eventually got to speak to someone who could help, fingers crossed the correct forms arrive soon.  Meanwhile B was having similar problems with the bank relating to his treasurer duties, different bank - they had frozen the account in error!
Whilst all this was going on lots of WhatsApp messages flying round about the feasibility of continuing with the local amdram panto - quite a few folk have been struck down.  Eventually it was decided to continue with stand-ins and it all went extremely well, phew!

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