
This picture was given to me by my Berkeley friend Lorie who took it on a visit to New York. It has hung on the wall on my office ever since and I love it. There is a reflection of her in the shot, which I like and I think the reflections make the whole thing rather abstract. 

I was looking thorough my thousands of photos on my phone which annoyingly doesn't give any dates and doesn't play very well with the snapseed app so I finally came to two  three conclusions:

 1. Scrolling through 25,000 pictures takes far too much time 
 2. I need to get on with my editing which fell by the wayside when I               started a new quilt.
 3. I need to find out how to get snapseed on my computer so I don't               have to use my phone. Suggestions/advice would be appreciated.

We were able to escape some of the beeping this morning when we went to see Kathy. Both of us felt like geriatric wrecks, so she had her work cut out for her, but we both feel much better. We came home to a six foot deep hole* which they were still working on, so I retired to my office, my Air Pods and my quilt.... Based on snippets of conversation I overheard somewhat indistinctly, I have come to agree with John that these guys don't really seem to  know what they are doing. 

Comments will be resumed tomorrow after I spend a little more time editing photos....


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