Windmill 'De Hoop', Zierikzee

'Zierikzee' = 'Zie-rik-ZAY'  (and not 'zie-rik-zie')

The windmill itself is unfortunately completely surrounded by houses so there was absolutely no chance for a panoramic shot, and I was already lucky that it did not have its back to the road.  There's a shop under it, I forget what it sells.  Of course it had to be built high to enable it to catch wind.  Built in 1850, it is still fully operational.

Indeed, after 100 windmills in Zuid Holland, it is time again to explore and catch up with other areas.  The weather has been most encouraging, which was a real plus factor.  There is another windmill in Zierikzee and I will keep that for another time.  It won't be too long now before the annual hordes of (German) tourists arrive, so best to take advantage of the traffic-free roads while possible.

Housework... supermarket errands... Chapter 9 plans... news updates... and that double feeling of being at home and being on holiday at the same time.  Thankfulness and patience.

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